
JavaScript Library for Objective Sound Programming
system requirements: Chrome 14- or Firefox 4-


The root class of timbre objects


object = T(name, ...);

// name [String] Class name (i.e. "+", "sin")
// ...   Arguments and input objects which will be processed

// Examples:
// Create a new instance of Oscillator with arguments
osc = T("osc", "sin", 440, 0.25).play();

// Create a new instance of Filter with arguments("lpf",440) and input(osc)
fil = T("filter", "lpf", 440, osc);


object.mul   // [Number] Output will be multiplied by this value
object.add   // [Number]    and will be added to the output

object.args  // [Readonly] Input objects which will be processed (Extended Array)
object.isOn  // [Readonly] on?
object.isOff // [Readonly] off?
object.isAr  // [Readonly] audio rate?
object.isKr  // [Readonly] control rate?

/** NOTE:
 * Timbre objects that runs at control rate are used for
 * low frequency or slowly changing control signal.
 * Control rate timbre objects produce only a signal sample per control cycle
 * and therefore useless processing power than audio rate objects.


// Switch play/pause

// Switch on/off

// Do something

// Operate input objects

// Event listener
object.addEventListener(name, func);
object.removeEventListener(name, func);

// Setter/Getter
object.set(key, value);
value = object.get(key);


// Script to be run when play()
// It's useful to initialize objects (i.e. timer sync start)
object.onplay = function() {};

// Script to be run when pause()
// It's useful to finalize objects
object.onpause = function() {};

// Script to be run when bang()
object.onbang = function() {};

// Script to be run when on()
object.onon = function() {};  // ...

// Script to be run when off()
object.onoff = function() {}; // oh, ugly..

// If the addEventListener() method is used,
//                one or more listeners can register.
object.addEventListener("play", function() {


// If the event name starts with '~', 
//                the listener perfoms only once.
object.addEventListener("~bang", function() {


// and
object.removeEventListener("play", registered_func);


// The .args property contains input objects which will be processed

add = T("+").play();

a = T("tri", 440);
b = T("tri", 660);
c = T("tri", 880);

// push [bang] button to execute the below code
add.append( a, b, c );
add.args[0] === a; // true

// push [bang] button to execute the below code
add.args[0] === b; // true

// You can use methods that are provided in the Array
add.args instanceof Array; // true

// push [bang] button to execute the below code
add.args[0] === c; // true

// push [bang] button to execute the below code
add.args.length === 0; // true

Play() / Pause()

// play()/pause() methods switch sound processing

// push [play] or [pause] buttons to call methods
osc1 = T("tri"  ,  660, 0.25).play();
osc2 = T("pulse", 1320, 0.75);        // do not sound processing

On() / Off()

// on()/off() methods switching processing status

// Oscillator's on/off are switchig mute on/off
fami = T("fami", 1320, 0.25);

// Effector's on/off are switching efx processing on/off
dist = T("efx.dist", wav);

// Operator's on/off are not do anything
add  = T("+", fami, dist).play();

// push [bang] button to switch on / off
add.onbang = function() {
    fami.isOff ? fami.on() : fami.off();
    dist.isOff ? dist.on() : dist.off();
    add .isOff ? add .on() : add .off();


// A bang() method carries out something for every class.

sin = T("sin", 880);
env = T("adsr", 10, 500);
syn = T("*", sin, env).play();

// push [bang] button to execute the below code

// Oscillator's bang() resets the phase
syn.addEventListener("bang", function() {

// Envelope's bang() triggers the envelope
syn.addEventListener("bang", function() {    